Why Do Flying Termites Suddenly Appear?

Winged termites or flying termites suddenly appear when they are swarming or in an area they like.

Termites are infamous for their destructive capabilities, often causing significant structural damage to homes and buildings without immediate detection. Within the diverse termite colony, flying termites play a crucial role in the proliferation of their species. In this article, learn more about flying termites, what they look like, why flying termites suddenly appear, and how … Read more

What Smell Do Rats Hate?

What smell do rats hate?

Rats, those ever-persistent marauders of the night, have plagued human settlements for millennia. With their sharp incisors and remarkable adaptability, they are equipped to exploit the smallest oversight in our defenses. These creatures are not merely a nuisance; they are vectors for disease and architects of destruction, capable of causing extensive damage to infrastructure and … Read more

What Do Centipedes Eat?

Centipede about to eat a preying mantis.

Centipedes are fascinating and often misunderstood creatures that play a vital role in the ecosystem. This diverse group of arthropods, with over 8,000 known species, are known for their many legs and segmented bodies. Their adapted anatomy allows them to navigate through various environments with ease. In this article, we’ll explore where we find centipedes, … Read more

How to Get Rid of Ground Moles With Vinegar

Mole in a garden tearing up the soil.

Moles are small, subterranean mammals that can be found in many parts of the world. They are known for their burrowing habits and can often be a nuisance to gardeners and homeowners due to their ability to damage lawns and gardens. Some people might find them to be cute but they can cause destruction. In this article, you will learn more about … Read more

What Do Moth Eggs Look Like?

Moth eggs are in groups, and are oval or spherical and white or cream.

Moths are a varied and widespread group of insects closely related to butterflies. Both belong to the order Lepidoptera. They play a significant role in the ecosystem as pollinators, and their larvae, commonly known as caterpillars, can be beneficial and harmful depending on the species. In this article, learn about what moth larvae but also what … Read more

Do Crickets Bite?

If a cricket bites, it is very mild and often not noticeable.

Crickets are orthopteran insects found in various environments worldwide, including meadows, forests, fields, and even inside homes. They are closely related to grasshoppers and are known for their nocturnal activities and the musical sounds they produce. Many people like to hold crickets or may come in contact with one so it is important to know … Read more

Do Possums Live In Trees?

Possum In A Tree

Possums, often confused with their Australian counterparts, the opossums, are small to medium-sized marsupials that are native to the Americas. They play an essential role in the ecosystem but can sometimes conflict with human residents. This Is because they invade spaces for food or shelter. In this article, we will learn more about possums, where … Read more

Do Carpet Beetles Bite?

Carpet Beetle

Our home is supposed to be a place to relax and enjoy with friends and family and our fur babies. Sometimes though, we may have little critters in the home. Carpet beetles are small, pesky insects that are known for their ability to cause significant damage to fabrics, furnishings, and other household items. Their presence … Read more

Does Citronella Repel Flies?

Citronella Candle 25

Flies can be more than just a mere nuisance; they are potential carriers of diseases and can quickly become an infestation problem. This guide offers natural solutions for preventing and repelling these pesky insects from your home and surroundings. One of those ways is with citronella. You will learn about preventing flies and natural ways, … Read more

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