WDO inspection Reports

What is WDO Reports

As defined by the state of Florida, a Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) Report is “a written report of an inspection on a home for visible and accessible evidence of an infestation or damage by wood destroying organisms.”

A WDO report may also be commonly called a “Termite Inspection,” “Clearance Letter,” or “Termite Letter.” A WDO inspection not only checks for subterranean termites and dry wood termites but also includes wood destroying beetles and wood decaying fungi. Carpenter ants and carpenter bees are NOT reportable as a wood destroying organism on Florida’s WDO form.

By Florida statute, a WDO report is provided when a home or other structure is being sold and the mortgage lender OR buyer requests the WDO inspection as part of the transaction. If an inspection is done for these purposes, the inspection must be reported on a specific report form as required by Florida Law (Chapter 482.226, Florida Statutes and Chapter 5E-14.142(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code).

At AAA Pest Control, we pride ourselves on our experience in the industry providing best-in-class pest control services for real estate agents and home inspection companies. We understand that you may need a quick turnaround on an Inspection Report, so we have created a process to identify your needs and quickly remedy them.

When you call on AAA Pest Control for your WDO inspection, you will receive your report on the day of the inspection every time. Whether you’re representing the seller or the buyer, you will have assurance that the AAA Pest Control termite report is trusted and reliable.

Our reports also provide the home buyer an outline of potential threat areas where future infestation may occur, such as wood piles, damp basements or foundations, wood-to-ground contact such as trellises, or fallen trees or debris near the home. The client will understand what they need to do to the home after purchase to avoid possible termite infestation.

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