Pest control is necessary to protect your investment. If you fail to utilize a pest control service then you are putting your home at risk for a variety of insects to infiltrate and take over your home. Many insects would love to get access to your home and once that barrier is broken, they gladly march right into the home. One of those bugs that you never want in your home is the bed bug. These insects are a great nuisance and should be handled quickly. There are a few options for taking care of this problem. One of which is a glue trap. Wondering how to use glue traps for bed bugs? Placing these traps around the bed will allow you to determine how infested your bed is.
Let’s take a look below at what else is involved with bed bug glue traps.
What Are Bed Bug Glue Traps?
There are a variety of bed bug traps available to homeowners and pest control companies. However, a bed bug glue trap is one of the more popular and reliable tools that you could use to determine how badly your bed is infested. Bed bugs have learned to adapt and become great climbers. So, using the correct bed bug sticky traps in combination with other traps will allow you to see just how many bed bugs might be involved.
What Are Other Recommended Bed Bug Traps?
Believe it or not, but there are a few other recommended bed bug traps, outside of a glue trap. Let’s take a look below at what the other bed bug traps are.
- Bed bug interceptor – Placed under each leg of your bed to create a barrier between the floor and your bed. This bed bug trap is designed to detect bed bug infestations and catch bed bugs. As the bed bug searches for food, it is forced into the interceptor where it becomes trapped. Typically these traps are used between 7-14 days.
- CO2 traps – These traps use CO2 to attract the bed bug. In addition to CO2, a pheromone or heat is used to emulate a sleeping human. This draws the bed bugs out of the trap. The trap has a glue or pitfall that traps the bed bugs. These traps are known to be the most effective for trapping bed bugs.
- Pheromone traps – This type of trap uses Kairomones and pheromones to lure bed bugs. The Kairomones bring out the bed bugs looking for food and the pheromones encourage the bed bugs to aggregate. These traps are placed under or around the bed and other close by furniture.

Do Bed Bug Traps Work?
When dealing with insects like the bed bug, you will want to utilize all of the trap options available. Additionally, you should seek out your local pest control company to assist with eradicating the infestation. Using bed bug traps will allow you to determine if you have bed bugs and how bad the infestation might be. Keep in mind that bed bug traps alone will not solve your problem. You will need an extermination service.
When Do I Use Bed Bug Glue Traps?
Using any type of bed bug trap will enhance your ability to determine how bad the situation is. Consider using bed bug glue traps if the following occurs:
- You notice a bite or rash has formed on your skin and believe it was the cause of bed bugs. Even though you haven’t seen them, you will want to place glue traps down to see if they are present.
- Use bed bug glue traps if you had an inspection that determined there were none present, however, you don’t believe the inspection was thorough and the bugs are still there.
- Use the bed bug glue traps after the infestation has been dealt with. This is a great way to confirm that the bed bugs are gone.
- If you stay at a hotel and thought that it was possible bed bugs were in your hotel room. Using glue traps will help determine if you brought bed bugs home with you.
Where Should I Put The Bed Bug Glue Traps?
If you decide that using the glue traps is a great idea, you will want to strategically place the glue traps. Let’s take a look below at where you should place the bed bug glue traps and the areas where bed bugs might be.
- Anywhere around the room
- Under the bed to create a barrier
- Next to the bed frame
- Between the box spring and the bed mattress
- Anyplace that you have noticed bed bugs are present
What Are The Dos and Donts When Looking For Bed Bugs?
There are a few factors that you need to consider when looking to find bed bugs and using glue traps or other traps. Let’s take a look below at what those factors are.
- Placing the interception trap – When you are looking to place the interceptor trap, you will want to place them at all four-bed posts. Doing this ensures that as the bed bugs climb up and down, they can become trapped.
- Never use pesticides – Do not use pesticides in addition to bed bug traps. Pesticides should not be used in your bedroom due to the toxicity and health issues they could cause to the homeowner.
- Avoid bait traps – If you have pets, do not use bait traps. The food source in the bait traps will attract your pets as they are curious about the trap. The scent that the trap gives off to attract the bed bugs also attracts your pets.
- Bed bug traps are not the only solution – Using bed bug traps is a great start. However, they must be supported with other pest control methods to eradicate the bed bug problem.
- Work fast – The moment that you notice bed bugs in the bed bug traps you will want to work quickly to squash any infestation that has occurred. Reach out to your local pest control company to assist.
Other Recommended Maintenance
Now that you know how to use glue traps for trapping bed bugs, you can read up on some great ways to prevent an infestation. Pest control on the outside of the home is a great way to create a barrier around the home so that insects don’t get into the home.
Next, while you are worried about bed bugs, keep an eye on silverfish and their eggs getting attached to your clothing. Silverfish can access any area of the home as they are slender and capable of hiding in very small spaces. If you notice silverfish eggs on your clothing, wash them in high heat temperatures to kill the eggs.
Lastly, while you are looking for ways to trap bed bugs and eradicate them from your home, consider other natural ways to keep all insects away. For example, using coffee grounds might help in keeping earwigs away. Although not all studies proved this to be true, there were some positive results. Consider all options when it comes to keeping insects away.

When Do I Call A Professional?
Finding bed bugs in your bed can be a devastating thing for a homeowner. Just waking up knowing that you are sleeping with insects crawling around is enough to send someone over the edge. Let’s just say, that mattress will not be around for long. Additionally, regardless of how you discard your bed, you will want to call on your local pest control company to assess the situation and ensure that you don’t get bed bugs again.
Bed bugs are not the insect that any homeowner wants to wake up to. Not only will they leave bite-welt marks on your skin, but they are also disgusting insects. No homeowner wants to find out that they have bed bugs in their bed. However, if this happens, you will need to reach out to your local pest control company for some assistance. Also, they can put down traps or conduct other methods for eradicating the bed bugs from your home. Reach out to AAA pest control to get your bed bugs and other pest issues under control in Oakland Park, FL, and the surrounding South Florida areas.